About Kim

I’m an illustrator and graphic designer in Portland, Oregon. I love to laugh, and to travel, explore, learn new things. I’m playful, but organized, and super easy to work with.

My work is heavily influenced by printmaking, even though my ink and paint are digital now. And I sometimes ask “What would Matisse do here?”

I like birds and cats. And adventure. My brush with greatness was tracking lions on foot in Zimbabwe. I live on the edge of a bird sanctuary with my husband and two quirky cats named Sophie and Leo.

Some clients I’ve worked with include Callisto Media, Carson Home Accents, Gallant Greetings, Gango Editions, Gina B Designs, Kiplinger's Personal Finance, Magic Murals, Nancy's Yogurt, Robert Kaufman Fabrics, Up With Paper, Williamson Home.